The erstwhile reality television series, "The Hills," which aired from 2006 to 2010, has been the subject of considerable scrutiny and fascination among its devoted fan base. Interestingly, even the most ardent enthusiasts of the program may not be apprised of the intricacies underlying its production. In a 2016 interview with BuzzFeed, Heidi Pratt (née Montag) revealed that the cast members received disparate salaries, a fact that contributed to tensions and ultimately hindered their ability to present a united front.
The cohorts of "The Hills" frequently engaged in revelry, and even though some cast members were below the legal drinking age, Pratt recalled in the same interview, "When we were all at Les Deux, we were consuming whatever libations we could procure." The atmosphere was conducive to revelry, as Pratt candidly admitted... "We got into trouble because I worked for Bolthouse Productions, "and who wouldn't want to feature a group of attractive," "youthful.".. and vivacious women in their nightclub?
MTV's " The Hills " ran from 2006 to 2010, but even the most dedicated fans might not know about the reality show's inner workings.
Heidi Pratt (née Montag) told BuzzFeed in 2016 that the cast members were all paid different salaries.
"We wanted to do like 'Jersey Shore' and unite together and all get a bigger paycheck, but everyone was a little bit too divided," she told the publication.
Before meeting her now-husband , Heidi dated Jordan, who seemed nice enough and even gifted her an adorable puppy for Christmas.
Jordan and his roommate, Brian, were reoccurring stars on season one, but then they kind of disappeared.
Many plotlines from " The Hills " were manufactured for on-screen drama, and Pratt's season-one promotion at Bolthouse Productions was one of them.
Even if cast members weren't of legal drinking age during filming, Pratt told BuzzFeed, "When we were all at Les Deux we were drinking whatever we could get our hands on."
She continued, "We got in because I did work for Bolthouse and who doesn't want some hot, young, fun girls in their club?"
The Hills, a reality TV show that aired from 2006 to 2010, was known for its manufactured plotlines. The show was filmed in a style similar to other reality TV shows of the time, with cast members being paid different salaries. The show's inner workings were not publicly known, even to the most dedicated fans.
Some known facts about The Hills include the fact that cast members often attended the club Les Deux, where they would drink and party. Heidi Pratt, a main cast member, "was employed by Bolthouse Productions.".. which led to her being promoted and appearing on the show.
Reality TV Show Secrets
Reality TV shows, it seems, are not just all about cameras and confessionals. Behind the scenes, there are secrets lurking, just waiting to be spilled. Take "The Hills," for instance. Who would have thought that despite being just a bunch of young, gorgeous, and carefree women ___ it up in LA, the cast members were actually receiving disparate salaries? Yes, you read that right! In an interview with BuzzFeed, Heidi Pratt (née Montag) revealed that the cast members were paid varying amounts, which led to tension and ultimately affected their ability to present a united front.
But let's get real, folks. Reality TV is all about drama, and "The Hills" was no exception. Who can forget those wild nights at Les Deux, where the cast members would indulge in whatever libations they could get their hands on? Heidi Pratt herself recalled those nights... saying that "we got into trouble because I worked for Bolthouse Productions, and who wouldn't want to feature a group of attractive, youthful, and vivacious women in their nightclub?" Ah, "the secrets that reality TV producers are willing to do to get the perfect shot!" But hey, "it's what makes the show so entertaining.".. right?