However, when I looked it up, I found that treatment costs anywhere between ₹4000 to ₹10,000, whatever too much for something I should already know. These treatments are far and few between, especially in India. Color analysis technique that was popularized in 1980s next Carole Jackson's book, "Colour Me Beautiful." It categorizes individuals toward one of four seasonal types - Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter - based on their natural coloring.
The goal to highlight your skin tone through palette that complements your natural hair and eye ← → [:]
‘What colour looks good on me?’, is a question I have been asking myself ever since I started looking for my signature style. I’ve always gravitated towards darker shades like black, greys, and even browns. But in an attempt to popularise my closet, I’ve been on the hunt for different colours that suit me just as well. It has been a long journey, ngl.